Graze Box (January 4th)

Yum, yum, yum. Let’s talk about the New Year. What is everyone’s failed resolution from year’s past?

Weight loss. If you’re serious about trying to get into a healthy lifestyle, it’s not just doing exercise, it’s not just trying to eat salad, it’s healthy, balanced lifestyle that will help out.

In addition to exercise, you need to eat well-balanced meals, and have healthy snacks (not just binging on chips and chocolate, we’ve all been there).

Graze is an awesome way to try out some healthier snacks, while having a wide variety to keep your tastebuds happy.

Now, let me warn you. You do get shown snacks and you can pick “trash, try it, like it, or love it”. If you click trash, you will never get to try it when you subscribe. You can change your options, it’s not a permanent thing, but if you have any allergies, this is a great option.

Another warning: they do send repeat snacks, which I don’t mind, but some people might. I love the snacks that we get, so I love getting some of my favorites.

That being said, the customization is also a nice option, because if you try a snack and you don’t love it, you can click trash and you don’t have to worry about getting it again!

This is a great way to switch up your snacking, from bars to dried fruit to trail mixtures. So, here’s to the New Year!

This box we got two repeats:

  • Peachy Orchard (110 Calories)- Rhubarb slices, pear and peach fruit drops. I will maintain similar to my previous review, that it needed a crunchy element of some kind. I think it’s delicious, but needed a better balance of rhubarb and pear. Still good and I still loved the little peach drops. I was happy to get this one again!

    Peachy Orchard Mix
  • Pizza Margherita (120 Calories) – Totally still one of my favorites, it’s so good. I love the balance of tomato, cheese, and “crunchy crust”. I think that this is a really good salty snack.
    Pizza Margherita

    Now time for the newer ones!

  • Summer Berry Compote (130 Calories) – This one was good, not one of my favorite, but I would munch on it again. This snack was a berry compote with wholemeal shortbread dippers. The shortbread dippers were a little dry and crumbly, which was a problem. They were falling apart when I was taking them out of the container, but the berry compote was so good! It was bright, not overly sweet, and it had a little bit of tartness to it. I think if the shortbread was better, consistency wise, this would be on my favorites list. IMG_8982
  • Salted Fudge & Peanut Cookie (230 Calories)- This mixture contained baked salted peanuts, mini cocoa cookies, redskin peanuts and vanilla fudge! It was really good, I’m not quite sure I liked having the skin on the redskin peanuts (I’m weird about that), but overall it was good. I’ll be honest, this had the most calories and it tasted so good. I think if I had more than just this pack, it would be a problem! Luckily, they only give you one serving size. Anyways, it was a nice salty sweet combo, but the vanilla fudge pieces were literally tiny pieces. I didn’t even notice them at first, but they were the sweeter element, so I wish there were fewer of them, but larger sized. This one was a good salty/sweet alternative (a craving of mine when I was pregnant!). IMG_8977-1

The 4-Snack Variety that I get monthly is $6.99, but you can choose to receive a box weekly, biweekly, or monthly! They also have 8-pack variety boxes and a sharing size (5 full size bags of snacks) available to subscribe to!

If you want to try Graze, use this link:

You can get your first 4-Snack variety box for free, and if you stick around, you can also get your 5th and 10th boxes for free!

It’s worth a try, who’s up for a healthier 2016?!

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